Thursday 30 January 2020

Their jinxed love - Part 11

Auditions happened smoothly. Top fifty contestants were selected from auditions in different cities. A final mega auditions was held to select top fifteen from fifty people. Some were extremely talented. Some were mediocre but had passion to learn new dance forms. Some were only selected for their entertainment quotient. Some were selected as backup dancers by Gajendra because he felt these people might lead to dirty fights between two cynical lovers and hence this would increase the show's TRPs.

Gajendra was fixated by TRPs and this bothered Gaurav very much. He had seen previous seasons of the show. Those seasons were good because of the contestants and their dance. He knew very well why Gajendra had replaced the previous two judges with him and Jenny. This didn't bothered him until now when he saw the list of contestants that were chosen as back up. Most of the contestants from that list were rejected either by him or Jenny. He knew each of these contestants would create nasty arguments between them. He knew he could not confront Gajendra. It was his game plan. He had only way to reverse Gajendra's game plan and that was to remain calm. He wondered how long he would remain calm with volcano ready to explode anytime.

The first episode was being shot. Everyone was excited in the set. The crew members and Gajendra were excited starting the new project; the contestants were excited to begin their new journey and Ruby was happy with beginning of brand new season except for Jenny and Gaurav. Jenny was sulking since the Chandigarh auditions. Gaurav was worried how he was going to remain calm whole season.

The shoot began. The audience were enthusiastic to watch their favorite stars face to face. Ravi, a famous TV star was made the host of  the show. He had hosted many seasons of the show. It was like home coming for him this time. He arrived on the stage with full energy. He welcomed the audience and introduced Ruby as the first judge. She performed light contemporary dance. Her performance was graceful and liked by audience. Next Gaurav arrived with a bang. He performed Bollywood freestyle on one of the songs he had choreographed. The crowd cheered. Some of his female fans tried to jump on the stage to dance with their favorite star. Unfortunately the security team intervened and stopped them. The audience enjoyed his performance.

Finally, it was Jenny's turn. Jenny was performing on soft romantic song which is about two lovers parting away. The song and her performance was touched by the audience. Some cried. Gaurav watched her performance with eyes welled up with tears. He couldn't control his feelings. Ruby watched him cry silently and wondered if they loved each other so much , why did they ever part ways.

Jenny was totally immersed into her performance. She wasn't bothered by the cheering of the crowd as well as danger that was lurking on top of her. One of LED DMX lights attached on top of stage fell down. As it fell, the sparks flew. Jenny moved aside though some of sparks gave minor injuries to her hand. She was shaken. The audience got up and started running in fear while Gaurav ran towards her. He held her and helped her step down the stage. Ruby and few of the crew members surrounded her and asked her if she was fine. She didn't say anything. She was numb. She stared at Gaurav with feelings she thought she had gotten over with.

(To be continued)

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