Tuesday 14 January 2020

Their jinxed love - Part 5

Ruby felt bad when Jenny left suddenly. "I think you were too rough on her. I will go and console her.", she said. Gaurav stopped her. "Don't ! You will get hurt if you go and fix her now. She is like a injured lioness when she is hurt. She will speak something and you might not like it. Leave her alone.", he said. Ruby didn't argue. She had heard about rumours of her outburst.

Rohan, Jenny's manager rushed to her vanity room when he received her call. He knew it had to be some argument with Gaurav. But he still asked, "What happened?" Jenny was sitting in front of the dressing table with her head bent down. She immediately looked up. Her mascara was smudged by her tears. "What could possible happen when Gaurav is here? I told you many times about my equation with Gaurav. But still you got me into this stupid show.", she said and immediately threw things on the dressing table to the floor. 

"Not again !", Rohan thought. He stood still as he waited for her to calm down. "You know I remained calm like you advised while he spoke bull shit about me. I didn't overreact. But now I had enough. I am not doing this stupid show. I am leaving.", she cried. Rohan was startled with her statement of leaving. He thought about the repercussion that would happen if she left the show. He had somehow cleared her image when she had stormed out of ad shoot last time. He clearly remembered how he had pacified the ad director not to file the law suit on her. He also had to pay hefty price to shut his mouth.

He didn't want to history to repeat again. He walked towards her and bent down in front of her. "See, don't do anything in haste. Think calmly and then decide. We don't have many offers. If you leave this show also, you won't remain in industry for long. We need to compromise some times to stay in the industry.", he advised her. She understood what he meant. 

"Okay ! I got it ! I will stay calm. But if Gaurav says one word against me, he has to pay the price in front of everyone. He has to say sorry to me.", she said. He agreed. "Now please send me someone to fix my make up. I can't go like this.", she said. He nodded and called the crew member to get make up artist. 

After her make up was fixed, it was time for shoot to begin. She saw Gaurav sit next to Ruby. There was vacant seat next to him. She sighed in disgust and sat next to him. Gaurav turned his face towards her. He stared at her for few minutes and said sorry quickly. She didn't say anything. She pretended as if she didn't hear. But she felt nice that he had apologized. 

(To be continued)

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